[img desc: blurry white papers on a blurry tan desk, a magnifying glass held in the center of the frame reveals equally spaced non-language dark grey glyphs, including shapes such as squares, circles, and a simple drawing of a ringed planet, written with a very "wet" pen. This is likely a code, but it matches pretty closely to the description of how my visually impaired friend describes sight - even when she can see, it doesn't really make sense.] I've just woken up... and this is what's already occupying my mind.... the other day in a discord mostly for blind people, i had an argument with someone who said something like, "the first, biggest problem that blind people face is the blind people who are able to work and choose not to", this was driven because apparently friends had told her that certain jobs were too hard for them. it was exceptionally frustrating to explain to her that sometimes people just say things that aren't accurate ...
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