Me: I can't think of anything to say that doesn't make me sound like a 70s anti-war hippie... i wish this was something we could solve digitally or financially or something... 1: Yeah, I don’t like war either, I just don’t understand how someone can be so stupid. Me: That's a strongly subjective statement. (also extremely vague. Am I the person who is "so stupid"? Not likely, but if so, why???) 1: Well, yeah, it’s subjective of course. And obviously, [National Leader P]. 2: Power makes anyone stupid. Me: I doubt it's stupidity. You don't acquire power by being stupid, our recent president's bearing notwithstanding - it could have been one hell of an act. You acquire power by being selfish, and every war or invasion I've ever researched has had a significant profit margin for someone very close to the people in charge. That's not a stupid reason to go to war - although it's intensely selfish. I don't agree with the morals and...
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