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Showing posts from July, 2020

Free Music For Streamers (And Everyone Else) - Copyright, Public Domain, and The Commons

A comment on Alpha Gaming's discussion of copyright, relating to recent DCMA activity on the streaming site Twitch: "Why I Started My Own Record Label" Photo by mali maeder from Pexels I'm surprised you didn't say anything about Creative Commons licensing (a specific kind of "some rights reserved" licensing similar to MIT and GPL), which uses all the proper legalese to prove those promises that you made regarding the music on your own label - and because all CC licenses are legally unrevokable, any rights a redistributor has to the music will only expand over time. Any issue that content creators may discover by using creative commons licensed works can also arise by using privately licensed work. The main issue seems to be when people redistribute content that isn't their creation or they don't have redistribution rights for sources/samples; and this can occur on any platform regardless of what license is used; for instance, consider mos