Our responsibility, as the honorable citizens of a free country, is to insist on justice, equity, and human rights.
Giving a 'free pass' for violent behavior to any person who hasn't been hurtful to you shows a lack of empathy that is dangerous to the operation of a fair society based in justice and order. It's a mindset based in privilege and power and does not acknowledge the reality of the experience of your peers. It's so very easy to say, "Well, it would have worked if you had tried harder," isn't it? Unfortunately, that dismissive trope is not based in the real world. Life isn't fair. So it's our responsibility, if we are to be the honorable citizens of a free country, to try and make it as fair and just as possible, to base our society on the values of equity and human rights rather than self-service and exploitation.
Our very freedom and democracy are currently being emperiled by an overbearing, spy-police state. And people defend arming the police with military weapons against you, against your countrymen, because they feel threatened? After adjusting for inflation, the bottom 50% of the wage-earners in this country have not observed a significant rise in average wages since 1962, despite the overall reduction in purchasing power. Those who have been benefiting from our labor would do well to fear the working class. That is the reason the police turn fire hoses on citizens and shoot autistic children in the street. As long as we fear the power of the rich, we will not demand our rights as workers.
Every media source overgeneralizes, and the bias of the people who pay their electric bill dictates what information they "coincidentally" leave out. There is always more to every story - even when you are speaking to an eyewitness, that eyewitness will summarize and leave things out to support their own beliefs and values. You're smart enough to figure out the truth from what is said, and what isn't said, so if you don't believe me, just ask a different search engine.
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