Are you familiar with the book "Flowers For Algernon"; where Algernon is the mouse who recieved an experimental treatment before an intellectually disabled man did? For those who aren't, the book is written from the POV of the ID man, and chronicles his intellectual advancement as a result of the treatment, his discovery that the treatment would fail and lead to death (Algernon dies), his subsequent intellectual decline and fears of returning to his previous life, and the end of the book is written like the beginning. it is a problematic book for many reasons, and some people find it triggering. The reason I brought it up, if you're curious, is that I'm like the main character in that I didn't recognize, for a very, very long time, that the way people treated me as a child and young adult was "bad", abusive. It was a theory of mine that perhaps this was effecting my ability to communicate with the other person, as typically, people reflec...
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