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Showing posts from March, 2021

Flowers for the Abused

Are you familiar with the book "Flowers For Algernon"; where Algernon is the mouse who recieved an experimental treatment before an intellectually disabled man did? For those who aren't, the book is written from the POV of the ID man, and chronicles his intellectual advancement as a result of the treatment, his discovery that the treatment would fail and lead to death (Algernon dies), his subsequent intellectual decline and fears of returning to his previous life, and the end of the book is written like the beginning. it is a problematic book for many reasons, and some people find it triggering. The reason I brought it up, if you're curious, is that I'm like the main character in that I didn't recognize, for a very, very long time, that the way people treated me as a child and young adult was "bad", abusive. It was a theory of mine that perhaps this was effecting my ability to communicate with the other person, as typically, people reflec

Gender Wage Gap

Creating engineer's drafts is not a job you can do with children around. Sources are a PITA demand on Pinterest, you know. Links being blocked and all. Especially on controversial pins, the moderators delete comments like crazy. Google is free, you know. But, since I've already done the Googling and I happened to have the time and energy, here's an article by an independent beancounter firm comparing actual and adjusted men/women wage gaps for the employees of the companies that use their services: . It shows that when setting people with equivalent jobs and equivalent time working at that job next to each other, a 2% gap in income still remains between the two major genders, decreased from 19% total average. It also goes on to explain and even attempts to quantify the impact of factors such as the glass escalator on job placement. In opposition, here's an study analyzing money earned at supposedly blind-hired jobs in an online marketpl

The Bible and Homosexuality

Hi, so I would like to point out that the Bible does not condemn homosexuality for at least three reasons: 1) the old testament passages about homosexuality were mistranslated, they actually refer to pedophilia, specifically the practice of prostituting young boys. 2) "homosexuality" is as much of a sin as wearing "mixed fabrics" and eating pork. Remember, "all things are permissable, but all things are not beneficial" and "the greatest of these is love". If the relationship your person is in is a loving partnership, they're far closer to God's will than the heterosexual who abuses their partner and their children. 3) The Holy Spirit is supposed to change people to bring them closer to Jesus over time. If God wished to change queer christians and make them not queer, they would change. But, as a matter of fact, the most loving, most compassionate Christ-following Christians I've ever met have been queer.

Are You Pro-life or Pro-birth?

The difference between my pro-life stance and the common pro-birth stance is perhaps that apparently, a lot of people believe the injustice to a nonsentient, nonviable pre-human is worse than the injustice done to a sentient and already violated, traumatized child - they must, or why would they defend making child rape victims give birth with the same energy as any other undesired pregnancy? I disagree, I believe the injustice done to any woman by being forced to endure the physical, psychological and economic cost of nine months of gestation as well as the event of childbirth itself is worse than the injustice done to (ideally, if abortion were free and freely available) a clump of cells that isn't even capable of feeling pain.  (The statistically overwhelming amount of late abortions, if not all of them, were decided as soon as the pregnant person learned of the pregnancy. Economic and access factors delayed them to the point where the fetus feels pain. Making abortio