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Are You Pro-life or Pro-birth?

The difference between my pro-life stance and the common pro-birth stance is perhaps that apparently, a lot of people believe the injustice to a nonsentient, nonviable pre-human is worse than the injustice done to a sentient and already violated, traumatized child - they must, or why would they defend making child rape victims give birth with the same energy as any other undesired pregnancy?

I disagree, I believe the injustice done to any woman by being forced to endure the physical, psychological and economic cost of nine months of gestation as well as the event of childbirth itself is worse than the injustice done to (ideally, if abortion were free and freely available) a clump of cells that isn't even capable of feeling pain. 

(The statistically overwhelming amount of late abortions, if not all of them, were decided as soon as the pregnant person learned of the pregnancy. Economic and access factors delayed them to the point where the fetus feels pain. Making abortions more accessible reduces the injustice done to everyone.)

Gestation and childbirth is violation after violation, medical rape, hormone fluctuation, peripartum and postpartum depression, potential loss of a job, guaranteed thousands of dollars in hospital bills, and who's going to feed the baby afterward? Who's going to stay home and make sure the baby doesn't just stop breathing? Most of us don't get paid for staying home and caring for a baby, as you know that's only for rich people. Forced childbirth is a severe injustice done towards people who are in an already disadvantaged social role.

I understand that "destroying a miracle" goes against every belief you have. But in the Bible, sometimes God cursed people, and they had to do the best they could - such punishment often falls unfairly onto women. Be more like Christ, who braided a whip to overturn tables in the Temple - try to create a world where such choices aren't necessary; and have conversations that uplift the outcasts you meet at the "midday wells" in our society - protect and support the people who have to make those choices.


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