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Showing posts from May, 2021

interdependence and apples

》 It really saddens me that it only takes one bad apple to ruin a bunch for most people. The reason the saying is, "one bad apple ruins the bushel/barrel" is that because of the way apples rot, they emit a gas that causes all the apples around them to rot as well. When talking about how people interact, a person did not develop their personality by accident or by chance; they were enabled by so many people that there's almost no way of picking out any particular influence. For instance, if you read the book about Trump by his niece, she points out that nearly every troubling behavior he has was initially caused by the extremely high desire he had to earn his own father's affection, and was subsequently reinforced by celebrity-dom and the trappings of wealth. Similarly MLK Jr., who was a reverend for some time before he became a celebrity, was strongly influenced by his own understanding of the Word of God and the unconditional support of his loved ones, ev

the value of exploitation

》  Income of black slaves? You clearly don’t realize slavery almost abolished itself because of hoe **nonprofitable** it was until the cotton jin Growing cotton has never profited from slavery. In fact, paid laborers were more profitable than slave laborers even after the cotton gin was created; although the question of whether the paid laborers were not also being exploited is certainly apparent. The country was divided on the matter of slavery from the very start - northerners, influenced by Quaker ideals, tended to express the belief that all men are equal under God, whereas white southerners, for what reasons I cannot fathom, tended to express the belief that the color of someone's skin displayed the color of their soul, or something to that poetic effect. Letters from 1775 show that white southerners *believed* slavery to be more profitable, to be a biological necessity, even held some kind of religious concern about it and definitely had concerns that the kingdom

strikes and communication

image, as always, direct from pexels... 《 Malcom X was the least popular civil rights leader, and actively made MLKJr’s approach a lot harder for him. MLKJr would be utterly ashamed of what’s going on in today’s society. And he was killed because he was a highly praised black man that was making the greatest leaps in tearing down racist inequality. Malcom X, however, created a lot of tension and made hate crimes more common on both ends.  《 Riots lead to destruction, destruction leads yo implicit bias, implicit bias leads to prejudice, prejudice leads to more riots. They solve nothing, nor have they ever solved anything at any point in history... no wonder it’s doomed to constantly repeat itself I don't fully agree with you but I don't fully disagree with you. I definitely agree that MLK Jr would look at today's society and be incredibly depressed that his life's work meant so little - but as I said before, he had already noticed that by the time he was kill

most people are nice

this woman could use some respite... " neighbors are very nice people. Step away from negative media for a bit and realize the US isn’t some asylum and that most people are good, normal people. Don’t let outrage and hysteric media taint your perspective." Even you will only say "most" people, not all people, because you recognize that it only takes one person to kill 100 others in the space of five minutes. If even 1% of the population is a threat, we are all at risk. You've heard, possibly even said the phrase "this is why we can't have nice things", haven't you? To be quite clear, in my experience "most" people are only kind and compassionate to the people in their in-group. They are cold and uncaring if you are an outsider. Even as a privileged white woman, the abuse and exclusion I've received for my disability and my neurodivergence has taught me that this country is an unkind one, that the norm is to be an a

Mitchiri Neko Mix, Mix 2, and Lab

TL:DR - found the correct archive for a game no longer on the Play Store. "Translation" note: I normally use double letters to represent the small-tsu character, but the Fan Wiki used a different romanization. Both are valid romanizations from different systems, although I believe the method I was taught is more modern. To respect the community, I will use the accepted standard of "Mitchiri Neko" for English/localized game titles, and to respect my own need for consistency I will use all-lowers "micchiri neko" for the pronounciation guide following Japanese characters. Also I apologise if my English is awkward at times, I'm not so good at Japanese that I can code-switch easily... polyglots and people who become bilingual later in life will confirm, learning a new language does something to the way you process the languages you already know, and most polyglots I know have to keep studying all of them to keep them straight - a bit like how, when you appl

How Not To Teach Inclusivity Part Two

A short essay I wrote in response to a long "argument" with someone obsessed with calling the previous OP ableist for not wanting someone at her birthday party. My overall arguments are 1) that it is not morally acceptable to coerce someone into being inclusive, 1b) that you cannot be accommodating without also being compassionate, and 2) that teaching compassion can only be done *with* compassion. My supporting reasonings include how violation of consent is a valid reason for a person to become angry and defensive, how lack of compassion creates situations that are no more accommodating than before, and how behavioral science indicates that OP will continue to associate related circumstances (ie, physical disability) with negative feelings. I also specifically referred to Alfie Kohn's book Unconditional Parenting, as he is a subject matter expert who breaks down and demonstrates this science more clearly than I can. As for a summary of why I don't feel li

How Not To Teach Inclusivity

I'm so angry at some of the commenters in one of my facebook autism groups!! I need validation in this or I'll just continue being angry. I apologize in advance for my tone, I am literally shaking and crying in anger.  The topic is the parents' invitation of a wheelchair user to an autistic person's childhood birthday parties without the autistic person's permission, possibly even against their expressed wishes. ---- Let's work on inclusion without forcing disabled people into the role of teacher, please. We're fucking tired. You cannot force people to be compassionate. Overriding agency in order to impose an authoritarian false image of compassion only teaches how to hate us further under the guise of "helping people who can't help themselves". (Alfie Kohn's Unconditional Parenting needs to be required reading stg.) Guess what ableism can look like? It can look like people assuming all disabled people should automatically be fr